Bronte Public School is a school in Australia that is located in a place called Bronte, which is found in the region of NSW, Australia.
Bronte Public School is a very good option as an Australian school when looking for in the area of NSW.
The official name of this school is Bronte Public School.
It is a Public School.
Entrance to the school is via Infants Dept.
This is a Public School which means it is generally free for students with Citizenship and Permanent Residency to enrol and attend.
Bronte Public School accepts students that are eligible to be enrolled in an Australian Educational institution. International students are welcome to apply, however there is no guarantee of a placement at Bronte Public School.
Acceptance at Bronte Public School is based on several factors, some including home address zoning, past academic performance and grades, financial situation, current enrolment waitlists and sometimes where compassionate grounds can be established.
Bronte Public School is a registered education institution and is currently accepting new student enrolments for 2023/2024.
For more information about applying to Bronte Public School, please visit their website by clicking the apply button at the top of their page (if eligible).
Bronte Public School potentially has scholarships available for 2023 / 2024. You will need to get in touch with the school directly for details.
Teachers from Bronte Public School are fully qualified and are experts in teaching students in at the Australian level. Teaching is of the highest standard, and is certified by the local council in Bronte and state government in NSW.
Worth checking out. Quality school.
Bronte Public School is classed as specialising in Education.
A primary school is an institution that typically caters towards students of the ages between 5 and 12. Traditional Primary schools run levels between Prep and Grade 6.
A secondary school institution is classed as a High School, meaning it generally takes in students aged between 12 and 18, and only offers Grades from 6 to 12.
Please enquire directly with Bronte Public School to obtain the rules around age groups and grade levels for Education.
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